Monday, November 24, 2003

Documentation, basic versions and pricing

Status right now is that I have sent all strings for translation to Italian and German and I'm now working on the new documentation which will be in HTML Help format this time.

I have lots of ideas to improve the pit stop planning page but I haven't yet decided if I shall include those now or later. The last official release was in April 2002 so it feels as if it's time to release something really soon... :-) But since there is a new storage format for setups and all old setups has to be converted it would be nice to handle all conversions at once. Decisions, decisions...

Basic versions
The basic versions are new for v3.0 and the differences from the Pro versions are the following (for the time being):

- Only one timing grid (driver 1)
- Only one maintenance group
- Only one part status group
- Only one setup for each track, it is automatically named as "track name".set
- No tire database
- No handling for tire circumference (Car & Kart versions)
- No pit stop planning functionality
- No HTML-export of compared sessions
- No HTML-export of part status
- No statistics
- No association to datalogging file

Prices will go up when v3.0 is released, the US Dollar has lost about 30% of its value compared to the Swedish Krona in the last two years so the prices will be at least 30% higher. The basic versions will be around 100 USD with possibility to upgrade to a Pro version.

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