So I brought my laptop to the garage and started to go through box after box. I noted all the article numbers as I added them to my Stock group. I named their location as "Honda RS125R 2002 X-nn" where X-nn stands for the section in the manual where this part is defined. For example the main jets are found on page E-10 so their location is "Honda RS125R 2002 E-10".
I created another stock group for used parts and entered those too in the same fashion but also entered mileage data for those that had that information. (one piston...:()
This is how my stock group looks now (I changed to the English version for these screen shots, normally I run the the Swedish version so the groups and some parts are named in Swedish).

I ordered some parts today from TSRWorldWide and wanted to get those into Tracktimers order system.
I first added my two new suppliers Industrimodeller and TSRWorldWide into my list of suppliers.
I had entered some of those parts into my stock with a qty of zero but there were new parts that I hadn't entered (like the inner clutch basket i broke today...) I first made an automatic purchase order and then added the other parts to that list together with supplier. When this process was completed they were found in the Order status.
Then I did the same thing for other parts I ordered from Industrimodeller about a month ago. Now the order date is todays date by default, to change it to 12th of February I selected all order items from the supplier Industrimodeller and changed the order date.
My order status page for these parts now looks like this.

Normally I do it the other way around, that is I let Tracktimer tell me what I need to order but these parts were ordered before I had entered anything into Tracktimer.
When I get the parts I will update the order status and Tracktimer will automatically enter them into my stock group so next time I can use the automatic purchase order fully.
Now I just have to wait for the parts and then I can start to replace the crankshaft on my engine that I removed from the frame this morning. To be continued!
The tiny RS125R engine